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        3. About us

          About us

          Corporate Culture
          Integrity?—the driving force for the sustainable development of the enterprise

          The integrity of the enterprise first comes from the integrity of the people. Over the years, the company has adhered to the principles such as strict requirements for projects, sincere solidarity with partners and honest communication with employees. 

          Integrity declaration

          In line with the principles of justness, fairness and openness, adhering to the spirit of integrity, the company strives to fulfill its commitment through a comprehensive and robust assurance system.

          Integrity commitment system

          For the society, the company has made commitment that it operates legally without harming the public interest, promotes the local economic development while making profits, and creates wealth for the society.

          Feedback?—assuming corporate social responsibility

          The company is committed to providing customers with the best products and services, and actively assumes corporate social responsibility.



          The company donates funds to Sun Yat-Sen University, Huajing Primary School, Shunde Primary School and other schools. The company also donates money for education in Jungar Banner, Inner Mongolia to support the development of local education.

          Public Health

          During the national campaign against SARS in 2003, the Wenchuan Earthquake in 2008, and against COVID-19 in 2020, the company made donations in the shortest time, actively assumed social responsibilities and made contributions.

          Social Welfare

          The company supports social institutions such as Guangdong Hopson Pearl River Education and Development Foundation, Guangzhou Charity Hospital, Guangzhou Charity Association, primary and secondary schools in Fengshun, and Fengshun Recreation Center for the Elderly.

          • Corporate vision

            Become an influential international investment and management group with advanced capital operation capability in energy and

          • Core values

            Efficient organization, cost orientation, teamwork, win-win

          • Our mission

            Lead the private capital into the field of energy and infrastructure investment, and continuously realize value innovation for the society and

          • Enterprise philosophy

            The Benefit of Others is Extraordinary

          Scanning Following


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